Daily Archives: April 24, 2020


“You show me the path of life.
    In your presence there is fullness of joy;
    in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16: 11

I spent the first week in March on a silent retreat.  I yearned to bring balance back into my life.  God’s voice was distant; clutter filled my thoughts that seeped into my heart.  I needed time with God.  I needed not to be distracted by self- prescribed noise in my life.  It was a beautiful week in so many ways as I was renewed in body soul and mind.  I took long walks each day – first it was like I was looking and listening for God.  By the middle of the week I was running to catch up with God as God kept pulling me, wooing me.  By the end of the week, we were arm in arm on the path, step by step.  On one of the days, I asked God to place upon my heart a scripture that I could turn to each day, especially when I wandered, that would bring me to this place of utter union.  Psalm 16:11… You show me the path of life…

I know that there are many paths in life.  And each day, throughout the day, whether I am aware of it or not, I choose different paths; some I trail-blaze all on my own (which in hindsight, proves disastrous)!  But the path OF life, God’s path, is the one that gives life. It’s the one that brings fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore.  Now, I don’t pretend that if I follow this path that all of life will be like a bed of roses and void of pain and suffering.  But the promise I do hold on to, is that when I strive to be in-step with Jesus, there’s this inner peace – joy, if you will – that takes over because God’s doing the trail-blazing. Through the rocks and uphill climbs and soil corrosion, as well as smooth and firm ground underfoot, God trail-blazes the path of life for me.   

Be Well. Be Safe. Be Hope. prL